In an easier world planning would involve one problem, one solution, and one goal with objectives. Unfortunately, our world is much more complex than that and students many times have multiple problems for which multiple solutions and goals with objectives must be developed.

In the public school system when children have severe needs and are about to enter into special education, an IEP (Individual Education Program) is developed which outlines the child’s learning needs, services that will be provided, allowable accommodations and modifications, as well as how their progress will be measured. Ultimately an IEP represents a well-structured plan with goals and objectives specified to reach those goals. It is unfortunate that such a well laid out plan is only devised when a child is about to enter special education services.

Many children could benefit from such plans that are having only light or moderate difficulty. Time restraints, budget limitations, and limited manpower cause such planning for lower tier struggling students to not make much fiscal to the school district. Because of this the burden falls upon teachers who because of different skill levels in dealing with 20 or 30 students may or may not be up to the task. The next one in line to shoulder the burden are parents, and many parents have children who fall into this gray area of needing assistance with their child but still being out of the reach of special education services.

stressed parent

For this reason skillful instructors that are willing to devote their time to assess and develop educational plans for these gray area students become invaluable service providers to the community.


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